Special Promotion

Special Promotion

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Tas & Koper

Tas & Koper


Alat Tulis Kantor

Alat Tulis Kantor

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Informasi Penerimaan CPNS Pemkab Banyumas Tahun 2014

Informasi Penerimaan CPNS Pemkab Banyumas Tahun 2014

Sampai dengan pagi ini, Rabu (20/8), informasi mengenai kepastian formasi CPNS yang dialokasikan oleh Kementerian Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi (Kemenpan RB) untuk Kabupaten Banyumas belum diperoleh. Kepala BKD Kabupaten Banyumas, Achmad Supartono, menjelaskan, “Berdasarkan surat undangan dari Kemenpan RB, hari ini para Sekretaris Daerah seluruh Provinsi, Kabupaten, dan Kota di seluruh Indonesia, termasuk dari Kabupaten Banyumas, berkumpul di Jakarta untuk mengikuti rapat koordinasi mengenai pengadaan CPNS Tahun 2014 dan juga penerimaan Praja IPDN.” Dari informasi yang kami peroleh, Kemenpan RB dalam surat yang bertanggal 15 Agustus 2014 dengan nomor B/890/S.PAN/RB/08/2014 perihal Undangan Rapat Koordinasi yang ditujukan kepada para Sekretaris Daerah Provinsi dan Kabupaten/Kota se-Indonesia menyebutkan bahwa rapat koordinasi baru akan dilaksanakan siang nanti pukul 13:30 di Jakarta. Sehingga informasi seputar penerimaan CPNS secara khusus formasi CPNS untuk alokasi di Pemkab Banyumas masih harus menunggu hasil rapat koordinasi tersebut. Kepala Sub Bidang Pengadaan dan Pengembangan Pegawai BKD Banyumas, Kris Sinta Indra Kusumawati menyatakan bahwa ada 46 formasi yang telah diajukan melalui aplikasi e-formasi Kemenpan RB untuk mendapatkan persetujuan dari Menteri Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi. “Termasuk di dalamnya sejumlah 5% formasi dari alokasi keseluruhan untuk pelamar dari lintas jurusan pendidikan. Namun pada akhirnya memang Menteri Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi adalah pihak yang berwenang untuk melakukan persetujuan atas rincian formasi CPNS yang diajukan oleh Pemkab Banyumas,” pungkasnya. (web_bkd)
Yupi Store

Yupi Store

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Samsung Alpha

Samsung Alpha

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HTC Desire

HTC Desire

HTC Desire
handphone jadul

handphone jadul

handphone jadul ini menunggu waktu terlihat istimewa
Smartphone HTC

Smartphone HTC

Devices that combined telephony and computing were first conceptualized by Theodore G. Paraskevakos in 1971 and patented in 1973, and were offered for sale beginning in 1993. He was the first to introduce the concepts of intelligence, data processing and visual display screens into telephones which gave rise to the "Smartphone." In 1971, Paraskevakos, working with Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama, constructed and reduced to practice a transmitter and receiver, representing the world's first prototypes of "smartphones." They were installed at Peoples' Telephone Company in Leesburg, Alabama and were demonstrated to several telephone companies with great success. These original and historic working models (seen here) are still in the possession of Paraskevakos.
The term "smartphone" first appeared in 1997,
Smartphone Motorolla

Smartphone Motorolla

Devices that combined telephony and computing were first conceptualized by Theodore G. Paraskevakos in 1971 and patented in 1973, and were offered for sale beginning in 1993. He was the first to introduce the concepts of intelligence, data processing and visual display screens into telephones which gave rise to the "Smartphone." In 1971, Paraskevakos, working with Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama, constructed and reduced to practice a transmitter and receiver, representing the world's first prototypes of "smartphones." They were installed at Peoples' Telephone Company in Leesburg, Alabama and were demonstrated to several telephone companies with great success. These original and historic working models (seen here) are still in the possession of Paraskevakos.
The term "smartphone" first appeared in 1997,

Smartphone Blackberry

Smartphone Blackberry

Devices that combined telephony and computing were first conceptualized by Theodore G. Paraskevakos in 1971 and patented in 1973, and were offered for sale beginning in 1993. He was the first to introduce the concepts of intelligence, data processing and visual display screens into telephones which gave rise to the "Smartphone." In 1971, Paraskevakos, working with Boeing in Huntsville, Alabama, constructed and reduced to practice a transmitter and receiver, representing the world's first prototypes of "smartphones." They were installed at Peoples' Telephone Company in Leesburg, Alabama and were demonstrated to several telephone companies with great success. These original and historic working models (seen here) are still in the possession of Paraskevakos.
The term "smartphone" first appeared in 1997,

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